Post Placement / Adoption Services

If the family lives in Colorado, Mi Yungs Prayer can help in fulfilling post placement/adoption requirements. Please contact us for more information to get started.

Post Placement Reports are required BEFORE an adoption is finalized. This occurs mainly with domestic adoptions and can also occur when an international adoption is not finalized in the Country of Origin and guardianship is issued, then the adoption would be finalized in the United States.

Post Adoption Reports are required AFTER after the adoption is finalized. This occurs mainly with international adoptions which are finalized in the Country of Origin.

These reports require a social worker to visit your home. This process is to provide support for the families and to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of your child. These reports are vital because they provide assurance that the adoption was in the child’s best interest.

  • If the family is currently working with Mi Yungs Prayer and lives in Colorado, Mi Yungs Prayer will continue to work with the family after your placement or finalization of your adoption, to fulfill your post adoption/placement requirements.
  • If the family is currently working with Mi Yungs Prayer and lives outside of Colorado, the family will work with their home study agency’s social worker to fulfill your post placement/adoption requirements.

For Domestic Adoption

When a family domestically adopts a child, after placement of the child, the court located in the state where the child was born would determine the requirements for post-placement supervision and reports until the adoption is finalized. If the child is born in the State of Colorado, the courts require a minimum period of six months after placement before the adoption can be finalized. All families who reside in Colorado, whether finalizing their adoption in Colorado or another state, are required to have a home visit with a social worker within the first two weeks of arriving home.

For International Adoption

Most of the adoptions are finalized in the country of origin, so when the family arrives in the United States, the child is a United States Citizen. Each country’s post adoption requirement varies for reporting and is required for the family to comply. These reports provide assurance to the country to continue to keep their country’s adoption program open. Post Adoption Reports are crucial!!
The US Department of State
“strongly urges all adoptive parents to take these obligations seriously and comply with post-adoption and post-placement requirements in a timely manner. Failure to do so may put at risk the ability of future U.S. families and foreign children to be matched. Your cooperation will contribute to the country of origin’s history of positive experiences with U.S. citizen adoptive parents.”

What to Expect After Adoption (


(International Adoption Only)
If the family lives in Colorado, Mi Yungs Prayer can help in fulfilling revalidation requirements. Please contact us for more information to get started.
Revalidation is the process of re-validating the foreign adoption when the adoption is finalized in the country of origin. All families adopting internationally are required to Re-Validate their foreign adoption in the United States. This court process would be completed with their county court where the family resides. Each court has their own requirements for filing and appearance.